Thursday, September 8, 2011


So, recently I've been thinking a lot about friendship. I have a lot of awesome friends. Seriously...all you people who don't know the people I're really missing out. And you know what makes them so awesome? No matter how many times I screw up, no matter how many times I hurt them, leave them, forget them, use them...they're always, without fail, there for me. How amazing is that?

So, what is a true friend? I can sum it up in just a few words. Aimee. Toria. Skye. Christy. Greg. Jakey. Kiehl. Janey. Jess. Brandyce. Aubrey. You guys are the best of the best. I'm so indescribably grateful for you all.

So, I guess this is a shout out to all my adopted sibs, my friends, both in state, out of state, and out of country. I'm trying not to take you all for granted, because no one as wonderful as you guys deserve that. I love you all. <3

~ Calleigh


  1. *feels special* Aww, thanks Cali!! ^_^ I love you too!

  2. *gasp* I'm on the list!!! *runs and hugs tight* Miss you, Dearest.

  3. Of course you're non the list!! *hugs back just as tight* I miss you too. <3
