Sunday, January 8, 2012


Welcome to the first post in 2012!! I suppose I should have made New Years resolution to post on my blog more often, but I didn't so deal with it. :P My non-existant readers shall continue to be bored to death.

....maybe that's why I have no readers. o.o

Anyway, as you can probably tell, I'm feeling more weird than normal, but hey, that's life. I have decided that I need to post more of my novel, but to do that, I actually need to edit what I have. I like editing, but I kinda want to just finish writing it so I can start a new idea I have! It involoves guns. Pink guns. And a cute blonde guy. And my newest epic female MC, who shall remain nameless. Mostly because I haven't decided on a name yet. :P But she will be epic! She's a bit like Rae, only with a modern twist, and even more sarcastic. *GRIN* It'll be fun.

And I think that's all for now! *invisible readers cheer*

~ Calleigh


  1. I read your blog silly! =P

    Pink guns sound awesome btw. ;)

    *visible reader cheer*

  2. Lol Calleigh (: the new idea sounds epic

  3. Pink guns and a cute blonde guy. *GRIN* Sounds epic.
