Thursday, March 24, 2011

Boo! >:D

Yes, I have come back!!!! :D I have decided to return to the world of blogging!  So, here's something I wrote just kind of off the top of my head. :) Not exactly happy or inspiring...but, yeah...

The pain spirals,

The hurt’s so clear.

Anguished cries fill my soul,

And I wonder if you hear?

Do you hear all the things I say?

Do you notice all I try to do?

Is everything I say in vain?

Do my strained smiles ever reach you?

Do my choked back tears make no difference?

Does my friendship fall flat, never to be returned?

Do I even matter to you?

Are the “I love you’s” just a sham?

Are the hugs a cover up?

Are the words whispered softly in my ear, just part of a mask you wear?

~ Lei

1 comment:

  1. I just realized I had not left any comments. I do like this :) Sad, but I do like it.
